Maxillofacial or craniomandibular physiotherapy focuses on assessing the craniomandibular and cervical systems and their correlation with posture.
It specifically addresses the joint between the mandible and the temporal bone of the skull, known as the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
The condition of the temporomandibular joint can influence various pathologies or dysfunctions, leading to different symptoms.
Maxillofacial physiotherapy can address many of these, such as:
- Clicking or sounds in the jaw when opening or closing the mouth
- Difficulty fully opening the mouth
- Bruxism symptoms
- Facial pain
- Headaches
- Neck pain
- Dizziness
- Sensation of clogged ears
- Facial paralysis
The most common issues seen in consultations include temporomandibular disorders, bruxism symptoms, tension headaches, or neck pain.
Temporomandibular disorders often present as fatigue or tiredness in the jaw area, noises when opening or closing the mouth, limited mouth opening, or joint blockages.
Bruxism refers to the repetitive clenching or grinding of teeth, which can occur during the night and/or day. The most characteristic symptoms of bruxism include:
- Morning jaw pain
- Headaches
- A feeling of fatigue or tiredness while chewing
- Neck pain
- Sleep disturbances
- Another primary reason for consultation is tension headaches, often closely related to bruxism and neck pain. These headaches are typically associated with pain throughout the skull and a sensation of a tight band around the head. They may begin in the neck and extend to the forehead, commonly affecting people with high stress, poor sleep hygiene, and, frequently, issues with concentration and attention. Maxillofacial physiotherapy treatment works in two main ways: A global assessment of the influence of all myofascial lines and muscular chains that may have caused TMJ imbalances.
2. Manual therapy focusing on the TMJ and its adjacent structures, including the cranial bones, cervical spine, neck, and thorax.
At Pilates & Co., we have Saioa Lucas, PhD, a physiotherapist specializing in TMJ. She can provide temporomandibular joint therapy at our studio.
Check the schedule on our app or via WhatsApp.